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H4B: Small Business Network

We desire to create a legacy of success within communities across the United States.

How can the H4B: Small Business Network help you?

Community wealth is built through unifying beliefs and activities along with a commitment to successful group economics.

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Hire Excellence Inc has created the H4B: Small Business Network to be a habitat for small businesses. A space where Entrepreneurs can learn, grow, share knowledge, experience, ideas, and participate in a creating a community of wealth by giving back to others in need as an intentional investment. We understand that Community wealth is built through unifying beliefs and activities along with a commitment to successful group economics.

Our networking, classes, workshops, retreats, and circles of support, all take place in person and online. This provides a multitude of opportunities for real business connections nationwide.

H4B: Small Business Network is not a stop and shop program. It is a small business investment created for the purpose of learning, growing and succeeding together without ending. We are are not interested in just achieving goals. We desire to create a legacy.

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